Saturday, 21 February 2015

Gobabis Project Follow-up Training
I. Practical
II. Monitoring
III. Certification
IV. Budget
Conclusion and Recommendation
The United Child Care Association received funding to start a veggietunnel project with 6 tunnels for food security and this as a pilot project. The project was implemented by Emmanuel together with the students. It was in the month of November that 6 crops were planted.
During this first phase where Emmanuel and the students implemented the project they discussed of a monitoring plan for and further training in veggietunnel production.
6 Students from the community of Gobabis in the Omaheke Region, were trained in Basic Horticulture and Veggietunnel Production and 10 are in a training program for 'Trainer of Gardeners' that empowers them with horticulture training knowledge for food security.  The topics which covered the training that took place in January were:
* Veggie-tunnels
* Definitions of a Tunnel
* Basic layout of a Tunnel
* Maintenance of a Tunnel
* Planting Bags
* Soil Selection as wel as water usage, fertilizers, seedling mix and Planting in bags.
* Open Field Planting
* Planting Calendar
* Definition in Seed and Cultivar names
* Crop Rotation
* Harvesting and Crop Cycles
* Vegetable Group Typess
* Compost Production in Horticulture and its application
* Micro-gardens
* Table Garden Principles for Communities and households
* Production of Potatoes in Tires
* Pest and Disease Control (Aphids, White Fly, Red Spider Mite, Fungus, Nematodes
* Drip Irrigation Design for Tunnels
* Open Tunnel Design
* Closed Tunnel Design/Planting Bags
* New Research done by DHP in the Veggietunnel Production for cost effectiveness
* Cost on Planting Bags
* Cost on Fertilizer
* New Designs in Productivity and Profitability of veggietunnel
* Marketing and Gardening Skills for Gardeners
These were the topics that were covered in the training.
I. Practical Learning 
as part of the training where the students were taken through practical learning by Emmanuel in the following areas
* Compost
Together, Emmanuel and students went through a training phase on how to make compost. The aim was to show the students how to make their own compost is so that they could go organic and reduce the cost for fertilizers which are heavy. The fertilizer we used for veggietunnel production cost N$ 650 per 25Kg bag and if you cannot supply in time, your crops will suffer damage. The materials we used to start compost production was collected by the students from the community and from a nearby cattle farm.
 With the knowlege in compost production, the students will be able to do the following:
Be able to go organic in the tunnels and create healthy food
Be able to teach the knowledge to other people
Be able to produce compost for commercial use to sell to other farmers
* Organic Pesticides.
Students were shown how to make organic pesticides from the materials and products that they get from nature, without spending money unnecessary. In the past we trusted in chemical pesticides which worked and which helped, but the cost for it was heavy compared to what you can use from nature.
The organic pesticide can be made from the following products:
* Neem trees (leaves and fruits)
* Garlic
* Onions
* Tabaco
* Vinegar
* Milk
* Oil
* Soap
Emmanuel also explained to them how this could be used for the control of pest and diseases in the garden.
* Seedling Production
Using seedling trays Emmanuel showed the students how to prepare the necessary for vegetable production in the 6 veggietunnels. This will give them added skills in gardening and also a means to reach and show the community.
* Open Field Planting Experience
Emmanuel took the students to an open field planting belonging to Henk Olwage, who has been planting it for some time. They assisted him in planting beans and some other seeds. Together with the students Emmanuel analysed the challenges and opportunities in open field gardening. It was a different experience to them.
* Gardening skills
As future gardeners the students were shown and taught in the skills that gardeners should have to succeed with vegetable production. The skills that wwere given as practical, were the skills of observation. This means that the students came early every morning to make personal observations on the garden, discussing them during the following training sessions.  
II. Monitoring
We conducted monitoring of the garden with the students to see the process of the vegetables that they have been growing, with the following remarks:
* Veggietunnel
The veggietunnel has suffered great disturbances against the wind, which deformed them. Pipes were breaking where it was connected. We discovered that the connectors should be changed since it is too weak.
* Overwatering
The vegetables were overwatered and it started to bring disease and reduced the growth of the plants. We monitored the problem and regulated the watering.
* Lack of pruning the tomatoes and greenpeppers
The tomatoes became bushy and did not produce flowers, instead they produced to many leaves and in the end it became bushy.
* Harvesting
The gardeners did not practice harvesting after the leafy crops were ready for harvest. We discussed the solution on how to do proper harvesting.
III. Certification
6 Students were certified in Basic Horticulture in veggietunnel production. One of the students was certified as a Trainer of Gardeners to teach other gardeners.
The certificates were signed by Albie Oelfose, Emmanuel Muyumba and Henk Olwage. They were issued by Emmanuel Muyumba on the last day of the training. The certificate were also endorsed by Divundu Horticulture Projects.
IV. Budge
A budget that was sponsored to the United Child Care Association Veggietunnel project was a total amount of N$ 12,000.
This included the cost for monitoring, training presentations and training manuals.
Emmanuel left the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to venture into full gardening. One of the keywords as an encouragement was that "gardeners should do it full time"

Emmanuel Muyumba
Trainer of Trainers in Organic Horticulture
DiHokoHoko - Divundu
 PO Box 4774

The Picture Story:

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